About Equestrian Arena L.I.

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We Provide.

Equestrian Arena Long Island has been providing grading, road construction and landscape architectural construction on Long Island for over 35 years. We naturally progressed to honing in on the equestrian arena building niche in which we can demonstrate how well we deliver our craft and workmanship. We pride ourselves on being experts in laser grading, base stabilization, and compaction. If you think hiring a general contractor will do, think again. Take into consideration that general contractors who aren’t experienced in arena construction are most likely unable to understand how important the functionality of the arena is to the health and performance of your horse. Quite often, even if a contractor has the right materials, the installation of the drainage and base material is not built properly, leaving you with a poorly functioning arena and unsafe environment for both the horse and rider.

Our knowledge and experience demonstrate that our construction will exceed your expectations when preparing the subgrade and base in the build of your riding arena. We use the latest in laser grading machine control and dual slope laser grading technology that will ensure the correct amount of pitch so that water will shed off of your arena. We use the same laser machine control when we final grade your footing to your desired depth. Whether it be a traditional sand ring or custom blended footing, laser guided machine control is used from start to finish when building your riding arena. We ensure that we are up to date and use the latest in dust-free footings and additives to control the dust in your arena. The laser grading technology that we use also applies to servicing and maintaining your arena as well.